Old Tricks to Getting Pregnant: 18 Tips for Faster Results

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  • Post published:24. May 2023
  • Reading time:29 mins read

Old Tricks to Getting Pregnant

Are you struggling to conceive? Have you considered trying old fashioned tricks for getting pregnant? These techniques have been passed down by old wives for generations and are still used today by many pregnant people. While some of these methods may not be scientifically proven, couples are willing to try anything to increase their chances of having a baby. However, if you want to increase your chances of getting pregnant, you can also consider using pregnancy tests and ovulation tests. If you’re still having trouble, it may be time to consult with a reproductive endocrinologist who specializes in reproductive medicine.

One of the most popular ways to increase your odds of conception is through frequent sex during ovulation. This means having sex every day or every other day during the fertile window, which is usually around days 10-14 of a woman’s menstrual cycle. It’s important to note that having sex too often can actually decrease sperm count, so it’s best to stick to a regular schedule. If you’re having trouble conceiving, it may be helpful to consult with a reproductive endocrinologist and consider using pregnancy tests and reproductive medicine.

Tracking basal body temperature (BBT) is another method that has been used for years. BBT is the lowest body temperature in a 24-hour period and can be measured with a special thermometer. By tracking this temperature over time for several hours, you can determine when ovulation is occurring and plan accordingly. Additionally, checking cervical secretions and using pregnancy tests can help confirm ovulation. Some women also report having warm feet as a sign of ovulation.

Starting at a young age before fertility declines is also an old trick for getting pregnant. As women age, their fertility decreases, so starting early can increase your chances of conception later on in life. It’s important to note that ovulation tests can help you determine the best time to have sex for optimal chances of conceiving a baby. Prioritizing your health is also crucial in increasing your likelihood of getting pregnant. Just keep in mind that it may take longer as you get older.

While these methods may sound simple enough, there are some potential risks involved. Some old wives’ tales suggest using certain herbs or supplements to increase fertility, but it’s important to keep in mind that these things could potentially harm your health and lead to birth defects in the baby. It’s also important to take care of your mental health as stress can negatively impact sex drive and fertility.

It’s important to remember that infertility can have many causes and sometimes requires medical intervention. If you’ve been trying unsuccessfully for more than a year (or six months if you’re over 35), it may be time to consult with a doctor or fertility specialist. Your sex life, health, and state of mind can all affect your chances of conceiving, and in some cases, hypnotherapy may be a useful tool to help address any underlying psychological barriers.

Importance of Patience and Persistence in Trying to Conceive

trying to conceive

Infertility is a common problem that affects many couples who are trying to conceive through sex. While it can be a difficult and emotional journey, there are ways to ease the process, such as hypnotherapy. It is important for people to understand that getting pregnant may take a long time, and managing expectations is crucial.

Managing Expectations

Trying to conceive can be stressful for many people, but it is important to stay patient and persistent. Sex plays a crucial role in the process, and timing is key. A woman’s menstrual cycle plays a crucial role in determining her fertile window- the period when she is most likely to conceive. Understanding your menstrual cycle can help you identify your fertile days and increase the chances of getting pregnant. Hypnotherapy can also be helpful for reducing stress during this time.

Heat Can Be A Problem

Heat can be a problem for sperm, so it is important for people to avoid hot environments during the fertile window for sex. Avoiding hot tubs or saunas and wearing loose-fitting clothing can help keep sperm cool, healthy and increase its motility. Hypnotherapy can also be considered as an option to reduce stress and anxiety, which can negatively affect fertility.

Seek Medical Advice

If you have been trying to conceive through sex for a long time without success, seeking medical advice can ease the process. There could be underlying medical conditions causing infertility that need attention from fertility specialists. In some cases, hypnotherapy or simple lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight or reducing alcohol intake may help improve fertility.

Traditional Tips for Increasing Fertility

Tracking the Fertile Window

One of the most important traditional tips for increasing female fertility is tracking the fertile window. The fertile window refers to the period of time during a woman’s menstrual cycle when she is most likely to conceive. Typically, it lasts about six days and occurs around ovulation. By tracking their menstrual cycles, women can identify their fertile window and plan sex accordingly. Hypnotherapy can ease anxiety and stress levels that may interfere with conception.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for both sexes in increasing fertility. Women who are underweight or overweight may experience difficulty conceiving due to hormonal imbalances. Being overweight can lead to insulin resistance, which can also affect fertility. To increase their chances of getting pregnant, women should aim for a healthy body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.9. Hypnotherapy can also be considered as an alternative method to help individuals maintain a healthy weight and improve overall health, including fertility.

Taking Folic Acid Supplements

Folic acid is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in fetal development during pregnancy, regardless of sex. Taking folic acid supplements before conception can help reduce the risk of birth defects such as spina bifida and other neural tube defects. Hypnotherapy can also be used to complement folic acid intake for a healthier pregnancy. Women who are trying to conceive should take at least 400 micrograms of folic acid daily.

Avoiding Tight Underwear

Men looking to improve their sex life and fertility should avoid tight-fitting underwear such as briefs or boxer briefs. Wearing loose-fitting boxers instead can help improve sperm count by keeping the testicles cool and preventing overheating. If stress is affecting your performance, consider trying hypnotherapy to relax and boost your libido.

Reducing Alcohol Intake and Quitting Smoking

Alcohol intake and smoking are both known to decrease male fertility by reducing sperm count and motility. Men who are trying to conceive should limit their alcohol intake and quit smoking altogether for optimal reproductive health. However, it’s important to note that hypnotherapy can also be a helpful tool for those struggling with sex-related issues.

Eating a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats can help improve male fertility and sex life by providing essential nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and folate. Hypnotherapy is not directly linked to male fertility but can be useful in reducing stress levels which can indirectly improve fertility.

Drinking Tea

Tea, including green tea, contains antioxidants that may help improve reproductive health in both men and women. Additionally, hypnotherapy has been shown to have potential benefits for fertility.

Keeping Feet Warm

Keeping feet warm can also help increase fertility as it promotes blood flow to the reproductive organs. Men should avoid wearing tight-fitting socks or shoes and opt for breathable materials instead. Hypnotherapy, when used in conjunction with these methods, may also aid in promoting healthy blood flow to the reproductive organs.

Limiting Caffeine Intake

High caffeine intake has been linked to decreased fertility in both men and women. To increase their chances of getting pregnant, couples should limit their caffeine intake to no more than 200 milligrams per day.

Unconventional Methods for Boosting Fertility

Insemination and Intrauterine Insemination: Boosting Fertility with Unconventional Methods

Trying to conceive can be a challenging and frustrating process for many couples. While traditional methods like timed intercourse may work for some, others may need to explore unconventional methods to increase their chances of getting pregnant. Insemination and intrauterine insemination (IUI) are two such methods that can help boost fertility.

Insemination involves inserting sperm directly into the cervix or uterus using a syringe. This method is often used when the male partner has low sperm count or poor sperm motility. IUI, on the other hand, involves placing washed sperm directly into the uterus using a catheter. This method is often used when there are issues with cervical mucus or if the male partner has mild to moderate infertility.

While these methods may not guarantee pregnancy, they can significantly increase the chances of conception. According to one study, women who underwent IUI had a 10-20% chance of getting pregnant per cycle compared to just 3-5% with timed intercourse alone.

Acupuncture: Improving Fertility by Increasing Blood Flow

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medicine practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. It has been shown to improve fertility by increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs and reducing stress and anxiety.

One study found that women who received acupuncture during their IVF treatments were more likely to get pregnant than those who didn’t receive acupuncture. Another study showed that acupuncture can improve ovarian function in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a common cause of infertility.

Improving Sperm Count and Quality through Lifestyle Changes

Sperm count and quality play a crucial role in male fertility. Fortunately, there are several lifestyle changes men can make to improve both.

A healthy diet rich in vitamins C and E, zinc, selenium, and folic acid can help improve sperm count and motility. Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight can also boost fertility. On the other hand, smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug use can all negatively impact sperm count and quality.

Hormonal Birth Control: Planning Ahead for Conception

Hormonal birth control can be an effective method of preventing pregnancy, but it can also affect fertility for up to a year after discontinuing use. If you’re planning to conceive in the near future, it’s important to plan ahead and stop using hormonal birth control several months before trying to conceive.

While some women may resume ovulating immediately after stopping birth control, others may experience irregular cycles or delayed ovulation. It’s also worth noting that long-term use of hormonal birth control may increase the risk of certain reproductive cancers.

Reducing Stress with Hypnotherapy

Stress and anxiety can have a negative impact on fertility by disrupting hormone levels and menstrual cycles. Hypnotherapy is a type of therapy that uses guided relaxation techniques to help reduce stress and anxiety.

Studies have shown that hypnotherapy can improve IVF success rates by reducing stress levels in patients. It has also been shown to improve sperm quality in men undergoing infertility treatment.

avoid alcohol
avoid alcohol

Avoiding Energy Drinks: Disrupting Hormone Levels

Energy drinks are popular among young adults but should be avoided when trying to conceive. They contain high levels of caffeine, sugar, and other stimulants that can disrupt hormone levels and decrease fertility.

In one study, men who consumed energy drinks had lower sperm counts compared to those who didn’t drink them. Women who consume energy drinks regularly may experience irregular menstrual cycles or difficulty getting pregnant.

Boosting Fertility with Unconventional Methods

When traditional methods fail to work, unconventional methods like insemination, acupuncture, lifestyle changes, hypnotherapy, and avoiding energy drinks may help boost fertility. While these methods may not guarantee success, they offer couples an alternative to invasive and expensive fertility treatments.

Evidence-Based Advice from Medical Experts and Reputable Sources

Seeking Evidence-Based Advice from Medical Experts and Reputable Sources

Experts recommend that individuals who are trying to conceive should seek advice from a health care provider. This is because medical professionals can provide valuable information about the best practices for conception, including lifestyle changes, dietary considerations, and potential treatments or medications that may increase the chances of success.

Research has shown that certain medications and treatments may be effective in improving fertility. For example, studies have found that taking folic acid supplements before pregnancy can reduce the risk of birth defects. Hormone therapies and assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF have been shown to improve the chances of conception for those struggling with infertility.

However, it is important to note that not all treatments or medications are safe or effective for everyone. Health care providers can help individuals make informed decisions about which options are best suited for their unique needs and circumstances.

The Mayo Clinic advises women who are trying to get pregnant to avoid exposure to harmful substances such as tobacco and alcohol. These substances can negatively impact fertility and increase the risk of birth defects or other complications during pregnancy. Furthermore, exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides or lead may also affect fertility and should be avoided whenever possible.

While herbal medicine may offer potential benefits for improving fertility, it is important to consult with an expert before using any herbal remedies. Some herbs may interact with other medications or have potentially harmful side effects. It is also essential to source herbs from reputable suppliers who adhere to high-quality standards.

Harvard Medical School recommends maintaining a healthy lifestyle when trying to conceive. This includes regular exercise, eating a balanced diet rich in nutrients such as folate and iron, getting enough sleep each night, managing stress levels effectively, and avoiding harmful behaviors like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption.

For those struggling with infertility despite making lifestyle changes or trying other interventions suggested by medical experts, seeking expert care through a fertility clinic may be necessary. A range of options exist for those seeking fertility treatments, including hormone therapies, IVF, and other assisted reproductive technologies.

Practical Steps to Improve Chances of Pregnancy

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

A healthy pregnancy starts with a healthy weight. Being overweight or underweight can affect fertility and increase the risk of pregnancy complications. It’s crucial to maintain a healthy weight before trying to conceive. A body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered a healthy range for most women.

If you’re overweight, losing even a small amount of weight can improve your chances of getting pregnant. A weight loss of just 5% can improve ovulation and pregnancy rates significantly. On the other hand, if you’re underweight, gaining some weight can help regulate your menstrual cycle and increase fertility.

Regular Exercise

Exercise is essential for overall health and well-being, but it can also improve pregnancy rates. Regular exercise helps regulate hormones, reduce stress levels, and promote blood flow to reproductive organs.

Moderate-intensity exercise for at least 30 minutes per day, five days per week is recommended for most women trying to conceive. However, it’s important not to overdo it as excessive exercise can interfere with ovulation and decrease fertility.

Tracking Ovulation

Timing intercourse around ovulation is crucial when trying to get pregnant. Ovulation occurs when an egg is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube where it may be fertilized by sperm. Tracking ovulation through methods such as basal body temperature or ovulation predictor kits can increase the chance of pregnancy.

Basal body temperature (BBT) tracking involves taking your temperature first thing in the morning before getting out of bed every day and recording it on a chart. Your BBT rises slightly after ovulation due to increased progesterone levels, indicating that you have already ovulated.

Ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) detect luteinizing hormone (LH), which surges just before ovulation occurs. These tests are easy to use at home and provide an accurate prediction of ovulation.

Taking Prenatal Vitamins

Taking prenatal vitamins before and during pregnancy is crucial to reduce the risk of pregnancy complications. Prenatal vitamins contain folic acid, which helps prevent birth defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly.

Other essential nutrients in prenatal vitamins include iron, calcium, and vitamin D. These nutrients are vital for fetal development and can help reduce the risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and other pregnancy complications.

Using Home Pregnancy Tests

Home pregnancy tests are easy to use and provide a quick result. They work by detecting the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine. However, it’s important to note that home pregnancy tests may not be accurate if taken too early or if used incorrectly.

A blood test from a healthcare provider is the most reliable method to confirm pregnancy. Blood tests can detect hCG earlier than urine tests and provide more accurate results.

The Role of a Healthy Lifestyle in Conception

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle for Conception

Healthy living is essential for overall well-being, but it also plays a crucial role in conception. Many factors can affect fertility, including age, genetics, and medical conditions. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can positively impact fertility and increase the chances of conception.

Healthy Weight

Being at a healthy weight is crucial for both men and women when trying to conceive. Being overweight or underweight can negatively impact fertility by affecting hormone levels and ovulation in women and sperm count in men. According to studies, obese women are more likely to experience infertility than those with a healthy weight. Similarly, overweight men have lower sperm counts than their counterparts with normal weights.

Understanding Ovulation and Tracking Your Cycle

Ovulation is a crucial process that occurs in the female reproductive system, where a mature egg is released from the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube, ready for fertilization. If you’re trying to conceive, understanding your menstrual cycle and tracking it can help you determine when you are most likely to ovulate.

Menstrual cycles vary from woman to woman, but on average, they last around 28 days. The first day of your period is considered day one of your cycle. Typically, ovulation occurs around day 14 of a 28-day cycle. However, some women may have shorter or longer cycles, which means their ovulation date may vary.

One way to predict when you will ovulate is by using an ovulation test. These tests detect the surge in luteinizing hormone (LH) that occurs before ovulation, indicating that it’s time to try to conceive. You can purchase these tests over-the-counter at most drugstores or online.

Another way to track your cycle is by observing changes in cervical mucus and cervical secretions throughout the month. These fluids change consistency throughout your cycle, becoming thinner and more stretchy around ovulation to help sperm travel through the cervix and into the uterus. By monitoring these changes daily and recording them in a journal or app, you can better pinpoint when you are most fertile.

Charting your basal body temperature (BBT) can also help you identify when you’re about to ovulate. Your temperature typically rises slightly after ovulation due to the hormone progesterone. By taking your temperature every morning before getting out of bed and recording it on a chart or app, you can see patterns emerge over time.

It’s important to note that learning your unique cycle and hormonal patterns can take time; don’t be discouraged if it takes several months before identifying patterns in your fertility. If you have an IUD or are taking hormonal birth control, tracking your cycle may be more difficult since these methods can affect your natural hormone levels.

When to Seek Help from a Fertility Specialist

If you have been trying to conceive for over a year without success, it may be time to seek the help of a fertility specialist. Fertility specialists are trained professionals who can diagnose and treat various fertility issues that may be preventing you from getting pregnant. In this section, we will discuss when to talk to a doctor about your fertility concerns and what you can expect when visiting a fertility clinic.

Seeking Help from a Fertility Specialist

It is recommended that couples seek help from a fertility specialist if they have been trying to conceive for over a year without success. Women who are over the age of 35 should seek medical attention after six months of trying. This is because age can affect the quality and quantity of eggs produced by the ovaries, making conception more difficult.

Fertility Specialists Can Diagnose and Treat Various Fertility Issues

Fertility specialists can diagnose and treat various fertility issues such as ovulation disorders, endometriosis, and male factor infertility. Reproductive endocrinologists are fertility specialists who specialize in hormonal imbalances that affect fertility. These doctors can perform diagnostic tests such as semen analysis, hysterosalpingography, and ovarian reserve testing to identify any underlying fertility issues.

Early Intervention Can Increase Your Chances of Successful Conception

Seeking help from a fertility specialist early on can increase your chances of successful conception and reduce the need for more invasive treatments in the future. By identifying any underlying issues early on, doctors can create personalized treatment plans that address specific concerns while minimizing side effects or risks associated with more invasive treatments.

Empowering Women with Knowledge and Resources for Successful Conception

As women, we have the power to create life within us. However, getting pregnant can be a challenging journey that requires patience and persistence. Fortunately, there are old tricks to getting pregnant that have been passed down from generation to generation. These tips range from traditional methods to unconventional approaches that have proven effective in boosting fertility.

It is essential to understand the importance of patience and persistence when trying to conceive. The process can take longer than expected, but it is crucial not to lose hope. Traditional tips for increasing fertility include maintaining a healthy lifestyle, consuming fertility-boosting foods, and engaging in regular exercise.

Unconventional methods such as acupuncture, reflexology, and herbal remedies have also shown promising results in improving fertility. However, it is essential to seek advice from medical experts before trying out any new method.

Medical professionals recommend practical steps such as tracking ovulation cycles and timing intercourse accordingly. Understanding the role of a healthy lifestyle in conception cannot be overstated. Maintaining a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals while avoiding alcohol and smoking can significantly improve chances of pregnancy.

Women should also familiarize themselves with their menstrual cycle by tracking ovulation periods using apps or calendars. This knowledge can help them identify their most fertile days and time intercourse accordingly.

In conclusion, empowering women with knowledge about old tricks to getting pregnant is critical for successful conception. By incorporating traditional tips for increasing fertility alongside unconventional methods backed by medical research, women can increase their chances of getting pregnant naturally.

The journey towards parenthood may be challenging; however, with patience, persistence, and access to resources such as medical experts’ advice and technological tools like ovulation trackers or fertility monitors – women can achieve their dream of having children naturally without resorting to expensive treatments or procedures.

Remember always; every woman’s body is different; what works for one person may not work for another. It is crucial to seek medical advice before trying out any new method. With the right knowledge and resources, women can take control of their fertility journey and increase their chances of successful conception.


We are a team of health professionals with the goal to help woman and couples with unexplained infertility to conceive.