Maximizing IVF Success Rate for Unexplained Infertility

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  • Post published:2. June 2023
  • Reading time:26 mins read
Unexplained Infertility: What You Need to Know

Unexplained Infertility: What You Need to Know

Infertility is a common problem that affects millions of couples worldwide. Unexplained infertility, in particular, refers to the inability to conceive despite having unprotected intercourse for at least a year without any known cause. It is diagnosed after ruling out other possible causes of infertility such as male factor issues, ovulatory dysfunction, tubal factors, and endometriosis. Primary infertile couples may benefit from intrauterine insemination, which increases the chance of spontaneous pregnancy and ongoing pregnancies.

Primary infertility is when a couple has never conceived, while secondary infertility is when they have had a previous pregnancy but are unable to conceive again. Spontaneous pregnancy rates for couples with unexplained infertility are typically low, ranging from 2-4% per month compared to 15-20% for fertile couples. However, for those who undergo superovulation or intrauterine insemination, the ongoing pregnancies rate can increase up to 10-20%. In addition, couples who opt for ivf cycles have a higher chance of achieving pregnancy.

Standard infertility testing involves assessing the female partner’s ovarian reserve and hormonal levels through blood tests and ultrasound examinations, as well as evaluating the male partner’s sperm quality through semen analysis. These tests are commonly performed for infertile couples. Additional tests may include hysterosalpingography (HSG), which assesses the patency of the fallopian tubes, and laparoscopy to evaluate pelvic anatomy, especially for unexplained subfertility. Intrauterine insemination may also be recommended for subfertile couples.

Treatment options for unexplained infertility in primary infertile and subfertile couples include insemination (IUI), gonadotropins, and in vitro fertilization (IVF), depending on factors such as female age, obstetrical history, and ovarian reserve. Insemination involves placing washed sperm directly into the uterus during ovulation. Gonadotropins are medications that stimulate egg production in the ovaries. IVF involves retrieving eggs from the female partner’s ovaries and fertilizing them with sperm in a laboratory dish before transferring them back into her uterus.

Research shows that IVF success rates for unexplained infertility vary depending on several factors such as maternal age and number of embryos transferred. According to Fertil Steril journal, published research findings between 2010-2019 show that IVF success rates were highest among infertile couples aged less than 35 years old (40%) compared with those aged 35-37 years old (33.9%), 38-40 years old (21.2%), and over 40 years old (8.2%). The research also indicated that intrauterine insemination may be a viable option for subfertile couples, while primary infertile couples may need to consider IVF. Additionally, transferring more than one embryo did not significantly increase the chance of success, but it increased the risk of multiple pregnancies.

Understanding Unexplained Infertility and Its Causes

Understanding Unexplained Infertility and Its Causes

Unexplained infertility, also known as unexplained subfertility, is a diagnosis given to primary infertile couples who have been trying to conceive spontaneously for at least a year without any success, yet all their fertility tests come back normal. It can be frustrating for couples who are trying to start a family but cannot seem to find the cause of their infertility. However, subtle infertility factors that cannot be detected by standard fertility tests may be the cause of unexplained infertility. Intrauterine insemination may be recommended for couples with unexplained infertility to increase their chances of achieving pregnancies.

These factors include hormonal imbalances, egg quality issues, sperm DNA fragmentation, and immune system disorders. Hormonal imbalances can affect ovulation and implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus. Egg quality issues can make it difficult for fertilization to occur or increase the risk of miscarriage. Sperm DNA fragmentation can lead to abnormal embryo development or implantation failure. Immune system disorders can cause inflammation in the reproductive organs and prevent conception. In cases of unexplained subfertility, fertility work may involve fertility care such as fertility treatment to address these factors.

The causes of unexplained infertility are still not fully understood by medical professionals. However, some theories suggest that it may be due to genetic abnormalities, environmental factors, or lifestyle choices. Genetic abnormalities such as chromosomal rearrangements or mutations may interfere with normal reproductive processes. Environmental factors such as exposure to toxins or radiation may damage reproductive cells. Lifestyle choices such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption may also affect fertility. It is important to note that even with intrauterine insemination, ongoing pregnancy chance may still be low for those with unexplained infertility, and spontaneous pregnancies may be rare.

In-depth analysis of a couple’s medical history, lifestyle habits, and fertility test results can help identify potential subtle infertility factors that may be contributing to unexplained infertility. This analysis can lead to more targeted and effective treatment options, such as intrauterine insemination (IUI), which can increase the chances of successful pregnancies. If ongoing pregnancy is not achieved with IUI, other treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) with preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) may be suggested to address any underlying fertility issues.

Fertility Workup: What to Expect and How It Helps in IVF Success

Fertility workup is the first step in IVF treatment, which involves a series of tests to identify potential infertility factors and develop a personalized treatment strategy. Fertility clinics offer comprehensive fertility care, including diagnostic testing, counseling, and treatment options such as IUI to increase the chance of pregnancies and ongoing pregnancy chance.

At the first visit of an IVF cycle, patients will undergo a thorough fertility workup that includes medical history review, physical examination, blood tests for hormone levels, genetic screening (if necessary), and ultrasound imaging to assess ovarian reserve and uterine health. This initial evaluation helps the medical team determine any infertility factors that may affect pregnancies or IUI outcomes.

Ovarian stimulation is a crucial aspect of fertility care and IVF treatment offered at a fertility clinic. The process involves using medications to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs for fertilization, which is essential in addressing infertility factors. The goal is to retrieve several mature eggs at once during an outpatient procedure called egg retrieval, which is a common fertility work. During this process, patients receive mild sedation while a doctor uses ultrasound guidance to remove follicles from the ovaries with a needle.

After eggs are retrieved from the ovaries through fertility treatment and combined with sperm in the laboratory setting through traditional insemination or intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) procedures depending on individual needs in fertility care. Fertilized eggs become embryos that grow in culture media until they reach the blastocyst stage when they can be transferred into the uterus for implantation through fertility work, including iui.

Successful IVF treatment requires a collaborative effort between the patient, fertility clinic, and medical team to develop an effective treatment plan and optimize chances of success. A personalized treatment strategy based on individual patient needs and medical history is crucial for achieving IVF success. Additionally, IUI can also be considered as a viable option for some patients. Ongoing pregnancy rates and successful pregnancies are important factors to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of both IVF and IUI treatments. It is important to work closely with your medical team to determine the best course of action for your specific needs.

Factors Affecting IVF Success Rates in Unexplained Infertility Cases

Factors Affecting IVF Success Rates in Unexplained Infertility Cases

Infertility is a complex issue that affects millions of couples worldwide. In some cases, the cause of infertility remains unexplained, which can make it difficult to determine the best course of treatment. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is one option for couples struggling with unexplained infertility, but success rates can vary widely depending on several factors. For those seeking an alternative, intrauterine insemination (IUI) may be an option, with lower costs and less invasive procedures. However, IUI has a lower ongoing pregnancy chance compared to IVF, and the prognosis may not be as favorable for some couples.

Infertility Factors

There are many different factors that can impact the success rate of IVF and IUI in cases of unexplained infertility. One common factor is poor egg quality, which can make it more difficult for embryos to implant successfully, thus decreasing the ongoing pregnancy chance. Other factors that may play a role include sperm quality and quantity, uterine abnormalities or scarring, hormonal imbalances, pregnancies, and female age.

Patient Characteristics

In addition to these infertility factors, patient characteristics such as age and overall health can also affect IVF success rates. Women over the age of 35 are generally less likely to have successful IVF outcomes and lower pregnancy chances compared to younger women due to decreased egg quality and quantity. Underlying health conditions such as obesity or diabetes may also impact fertility, IUI success rates, and ongoing pregnancies.

Embryo Quality

The number and quality of embryos transferred during an IVF cycle can also influence success rates in fertility treatment. While transferring multiple embryos may increase the chances of pregnancy, it also increases the likelihood of multiple births and potential complications associated with them. Using frozen embryos from a previous cycle may also decrease IVF success rates compared to using fresh embryos in fertility care. In addition, fertility work may involve other methods such as IUI to increase the chances of conception.

Pre-Implantation Genetic Testing (PGT)

Pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT) is another tool that fertility specialists may use to improve IVF success rates in cases of unexplained infertility. A study showed that PGT can also be used in conjunction with IUI to increase the chances of an ongoing pregnancy. PGT involves screening embryos for chromosomal abnormalities before they are implanted in the uterus, which helps identify healthy embryos with a higher chance of implanting successfully and improving the prognosis for a successful pregnancy.

Working with a Skilled Fertility Specialist

Ultimately, working with a skilled fertility specialist who has experience treating unexplained infertility and providing IUI treatment can greatly increase the chances of IVF success and ongoing pregnancy. Fertility specialists can help identify underlying issues that may be impacting fertility and develop a personalized treatment plan to address them, based on the prognosis of the study. They can also provide guidance on lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, that may improve fertility and IVF outcomes.

Treatment Options for Unexplained Infertility

Treatment Options for Unexplained Infertility: IVF vs Other Methods

IVF and IUI treatments are common fertility treatment options for unexplained infertility, especially for women of advanced age. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedures, such as IVF and IUI, can increase the chance of ongoing pregnancy. During IVF and IUI, eggs are extracted from the ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory setting. The resulting embryos are then transferred to the uterus, increasing the pregnancy chance for women with unexplained infertility.

IVF and IUI are popular choices for couples struggling with unexplained infertility, especially for those with issues such as blocked tubes. IVF allows doctors to closely monitor the development of embryos and select only the healthiest ones for transfer, while IUI can increase the chances of ongoing pregnancy by placing sperm directly into the uterus. However, female age can affect the pregnancy chance for both IVF and IUI.

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However, there are other treatment options available for unexplained infertility. Intrauterine insemination (IUI) involves placing sperm directly into the uterus during ovulation. This procedure can increase the chances of conception, especially for couples with female age under 35 years old, according to Eimers et al. Moreover, IUI has a favorable prognosis for ongoing pregnancy.

Ovulation induction, a common fertility care technique, involves taking medications that stimulate ovulation to increase the chances of fertil steril and conception. This fertility work method may be used alone or in combination with IUI or IVF to achieve an ongoing pregnancy.

Treatment strategies for unexplained infertility in female may involve a combination of different procedures and medications. A strategy that includes ovulation induction and IUI may be used before moving on to IVF if those methods do not result in pregnancy. However, the prognosis for success may be missing due to the lack of identifiable causes for infertility.

The choice of treatment strategy for unexplained infertility, especially for female patients, will depend on individual circumstances and medical advice. It’s important to work closely with your doctor to determine which method, such as IUI, is best suited for your specific situation to increase the chance of pregnancy and ongoing pregnancy.

IVF Success Rates with No Fertility Problems

Even couples where the female partner has no known fertility problems may experience difficulty conceiving naturally. In these cases, IVF can be a highly effective option, with ongoing pregnancy rates of up to 50% per embryo transfer and a high volume of successful pregnancies (vol) resulting in live births (pg).

At our clinic, we have helped many female couples with no known fertility problems achieve ongoing pregnancies through IVF, with a high success rate of vol pregnancies. Our expertise lies in personalized care and the use of the latest technology and techniques to ensure successful pg outcomes.

Prediction of Ongoing Pregnancy: Our IVF Pregnancy Success Rates

The Measure of IVF Success Rate

Ongoing Pregnancy Chance: The Measure of IVF Success Rate

The success rate of in vitro fertilization (IVF) for female patients can be measured by the ongoing pregnancy chance, which is the percentage of pregnancies that continue beyond 20 weeks. At our clinic, we take pride in our high ongoing pregnancy chance and strive to provide the best possible care to help our patients achieve their dream of having a baby. According to Eimers et al, the use of a higher vol of follicular fluid during IVF treatment may increase the chances of a successful pg.

Factors Affecting Pregnancy Prognosis

Our prediction models take into account various factors that can affect a female patient’s pregnancy prognosis. These include age, ovulation induction method, previous pregnancy loss, fertil steril volume, and PG levels. By analyzing these factors, we can determine a patient’s likelihood of achieving an ongoing pregnancy through IVF.

Predictive Value of Our Models

The predictive value of our models is high for female patients, with a 70% chance of ongoing pregnancy for those with a good prognosis. This means that female patients who are considered good candidates for IVF have a high probability of achieving an ongoing pregnancy through this treatment, regardless of their age or ovarian reserve (vol).

Examining the Success Rates of IVF for Unexplained Infertility

A Significant Factor in IVF Success Rates for Unexplained Infertility

Fertilization Failure: A Significant Factor in IVF Success Rates for Unexplained Infertility

The success rates of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) for unexplained infertility vary widely from study to study. Multivariate analysis of several studies suggests that fertilization failure is a significant factor in IVF success rates for unexplained infertility. While univariate analysis of semen analysis and coital test results may not be sufficient to predict IVF success rates, clinical evaluation of both partners, particularly the female, is important in determining the likelihood of ongoing pregnancy. Additionally, monitoring ovarian response through measuring serum estradiol levels and follicular development through transvaginal ultrasound can help optimize the number of oocytes retrieved and increase the chances of successful fertilization.

In a study by Steures et al, 102 couples with unexplained infertility underwent IVF treatment. The results showed that the pregnancy rate was significantly higher when at least one embryo was transferred compared to no embryos transferred. The live birth rate was also higher when at least one embryo was transferred. This indicates that fertilization failure may be a significant factor in IVF success rates for unexplained infertility, particularly in female patients. Additionally, the study suggests that monitoring of ovarian response and adjusting the dosage of gonadotropins can optimize the number of oocytes retrieved, which may increase the chance of success in IVF treatment vol.

Clinical Evaluation: An Important Predictor of IVF Success Rates

Studies by Hunault et al and others have found that clinical evaluation of both partners, particularly the female, is important in predicting IVF success rates for unexplained infertility. In their study, Hunault et al evaluated 191 couples undergoing IVF treatment for unexplained infertility. They found that the pregnancy rate was significantly higher when both partners, especially the female, had normal fertility evaluations compared to those who did not.

Another cohort study by Hull et al found that the exact test used to evaluate sperm quality may also affect IVF success rates for unexplained infertility. They evaluated 345 couples undergoing their first cycle of IVF treatment and found that using strict criteria to evaluate sperm morphology resulted in a higher pregnancy rate compared to using less strict criteria.

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Further Research Needed

Despite these findings, the Cochrane Database Syst Rev has concluded that further research is needed to determine the most effective clinical approach for improving IVF success rates for unexplained infertility, including ongoing pregnancy. While some studies suggest that fertilization failure and clinical evaluation are important factors, other studies have found different results.

Why Unexplained Infertility Can Sometimes be Explained During IVF

Explaining Unexplained Infertility During IVF
diagnosis and treatment of infertility

Explaining Unexplained Infertility During IVF

IVF, or in vitro fertilization, is a popular assisted reproductive technology that has helped many couples overcome infertility and achieve their dream of parenthood. While IVF success rates continue to improve, there are still cases where infertility remains unexplained even after extensive testing and evaluation. However, undergoing IVF can sometimes provide new insights into the underlying causes of unexplained infertility, leading to a higher chance of ongoing pregnancy.

Assessing Egg and Sperm Quality

One of the benefits of IVF is that it allows doctors to closely evaluate the quality of eggs and sperm, which can increase the chances of ongoing pregnancy. During IVF, eggs are retrieved from the ovaries and combined with sperm in a laboratory dish, providing insight into the quality of both. This process can reveal issues with egg quality such as poor maturation or abnormal development, and also assess sperm quality by observing how well they fertilize eggs during IVF.

Observing Fertilization and Embryo Development

Another way that IVF can help explain unexplained infertility is by providing insight into fertilization and embryo development. Doctors can observe fertilization under a microscope to determine if any issues arise during this critical stage of conception, which may affect the chances of an ongoing pregnancy. Embryos can be monitored for several days to assess their developmental progress and the likelihood of achieving an ongoing pregnancy. Any abnormalities or delays may indicate underlying fertility issues that were previously unknown.

Genetic Testing

During IVF, genetic testing can be performed on embryos before they are transferred back into the uterus. This type of testing can reveal chromosomal abnormalities or genetic mutations that may be contributing to infertility or increasing the risk of miscarriage. Identifying these issues early on allows doctors to select only healthy embryos for transfer, increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Uncovering Undetected Issues

IVF also provides an opportunity to increase the chance of ongoing pregnancy by uncovering any undetected issues with the uterus or fallopian tubes that may have been causing unexplained infertility. For example, an ultrasound performed during an IVF cycle may reveal uterine fibroids or polyps that were previously undetected, leading to a higher likelihood of ongoing pregnancy. Similarly, a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) can be performed to assess the fallopian tubes for blockages or other issues, which can also improve the chances of ongoing pregnancy.

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Increasing Chances of Success

Finally, undergoing IVF can simply increase the chances of a successful pregnancy, even in cases where infertility remains unexplained. By bypassing natural conception and directly fertilizing eggs with sperm in a laboratory dish, IVF provides an optimal environment for fertilization and early embryo development. Doctors can closely monitor the progress of each cycle and adjust treatment protocols accordingly to maximize success rates.

Hope for Unexplained Infertility Couples with IVF

Hope for Unexplained Infertility Couples with IVF

For couples struggling with unexplained infertility, the journey to parenthood can be a frustrating and emotional one. Despite undergoing extensive testing and receiving a diagnosis of unexplained infertility, many couples are left without answers as to why they cannot conceive naturally. However, there is hope for these couples in the form of IVF, which has been proven to increase the chances of ongoing pregnancy.

IVF has become an increasingly popular option for couples with unexplained infertility due to its high success rates. While the exact causes of unexplained infertility may not be known, IVF offers a way to bypass any potential barriers to conception and increase the chances of pregnancy.

Through a fertility workup, doctors can identify any underlying issues that may be affecting fertility and tailor an IVF treatment plan accordingly, resulting in a higher chance of achieving an ongoing pregnancy than other methods that do not take individual factors into account.

Factors such as age, lifestyle habits, and previous medical history can all play a role in the success rates of IVF in cases of unexplained infertility. However, studies have shown that even older women or those with lower ovarian reserve can still achieve successful pregnancies through IVF, resulting in ongoing pregnancy.

At our clinic, we have seen firsthand the positive impact that IVF can have on couples struggling with unexplained infertility. Our IVF pregnancy success rates speak for themselves and offer hope to those who may feel like they have exhausted all other options.

While there is no guarantee of success with any fertility treatment method, including IVF, it is important for couples to know that there are options available to them. With advances in technology and personalized treatment plans tailored specifically to each couple’s unique situation, there is reason to remain optimistic about achieving pregnancy through IVF.


We are a team of health professionals with the goal to help woman and couples with unexplained infertility to conceive.