10 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Getting Pregnant

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  • Post published:22. May 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Are you eagerly awaiting the joy of parenthood but finding it challenging to conceive? Rest assured, the path to pregnancy can be intricate. Here are ten possible reasons why you might not be getting pregnant:

  1. Time: On average, it takes couples three to six months to successfully conceive. Some conceive sooner, while others may take longer.
  2. Lingering Birth Control: After stopping or removing birth control, it may take a few months for your cycle to normalize. Hormones from birth control pills generally don’t linger, but in the case of Depo-Provera, it might take up to 10 months before ovulation resumes.
  3. Not Trying Often Enough: Consistently having sex two to three times a week is recommended when trying to conceive. Increase the frequency to daily when you’re close to ovulating. Ovulation predictor kits are available at drugstores to help track your ovulation.
  4. Stress: Stress can interfere with conception. When your body is on high alert, it’s less likely to support the growth of a new life. Though easier said than done, try to relax.
  5. Your Weight: High body weight can hinder ovulation and increase the risk of complications during pregnancy. If you have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more, it might be a contributing factor to your difficulty conceiving.
  6. Age: Fertility gradually declines for women in their early thirties and diminishes more rapidly after age 35. Sperm quality also declines with age.
  7. Over-the-Counter Lubricants: Some common over-the-counter vaginal lubricants and saliva can decrease fertility. Consider using lubricants specifically designed to aid conception, such as Pre-Seed or Astroglide TTC. Alternatively, mineral oil can be used.
  8. Smoking and Drinking: Smoking can age your ovaries and affect egg quality, while alcohol is believed to decrease fertility. Maintaining good health is crucial for a healthy pregnancy.
  9. Medications and Drugs: Certain medications, including pain medications with opiates, can negatively impact fertility. Discuss all drugs, whether over-the-counter, prescription, or recreational, with your doctor.
  10. Fertility Issues: Sometimes, underlying fertility issues exist. Factors such as low sperm count or mobility in men, or problems with eggs or reproductive organs in women, can affect conception. If you’ve been trying for a year (if you’re under 35) or six months (if you’re over 35) without success, consult your doctor.


We are a team of health professionals with the goal to help woman and couples with unexplained infertility to conceive.